Thursday, June 14, 2007

Very nice , how much ?

According on how to fit into the vegas scene and not to act
like a dork there are some fundamental rules according to
the style show:

1. Dont say "vegas baby, vegas ..." This phrase was popularised
in the movie swingers. I prolly dont say this when im vegas,
but when talking to people before coming here, i can think
of at least a couple of times i slipped it into conversation, but
i was being funny !

2. Dont wear sunglasses in a club ! Unless ur blind apparently
wearing sunglasses in a club is not cool. Hmm im sure it was
cool in adelaide in London when i did it , perhaps not...

3. Girls in vegas are not either strippers or hookers. So when
they walk past, saying "very nniiice, how much" , probably is
inappropriate. But may or may not be funny.

Tho prolly the funniest comment of the day came from benjo,
on the female poker players. "would you rather sleep with
kathy liebert or antonius". He rationalised patrick
anotinus has more money, weird , who things along those

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