Day 1 of the main event, has arrived, the moment ive been waiting for !
Well actually after being here for so long i thought may be when
the main event came id actually a bit blassiez. But nope , I was
actually excited and desperate to play really good ! I was almost
a little bit nervous before. So far it hasnt been the best wsop 3 cahses
out of 18 is ok but not great. And this is definately my best event.
First hand of the day and I win ! Ok things looking good. But unfortunately
i dont really know what happened somehow my chips disapeared. I
would re-raise the button with ak then bet and hed call, and forced
to slow down Id lose a pot. Then someone was bluffing or were they ,
i couldnt hit a flop. And oh my god im down to 3600 chips, starting
with 20k. The key hand came up where I called a raise with JJ.
On a flop fo k-4-2. I called the flop bet, The turn he checked, and i checked,
and on the river k-4h-2-7h-2h, he puts me all in. I wasnt sure where
i was i thought his body language was that I was ahead, tho i couldnt
bring myself to calling there. And i folded like a little girl. I figure
i can make a stand on my own terms
I pick up Aces slow play them , win a ok pot for my stack, get up to 6k, then
last hand b4 level 2 all in with KK against some guy thinking
i was making a move , he had 10-10 and up to 12k. Then
i have 10h-10d , i raise and i get a caller. Flop comes
8c-7c-4c. He bets 1200 i call. Figure no point allowing him to
re-raise me with a draw and overs on that flop. So i call, then
the turn comes 9d. I check again, he best 4500, 1/2 my stack
and i just much the 10-10s, turns out he had 9-9 with 9 of clubs,
now i felt good ! Raise with qj flop qj9 and someguy makes a move
with aj and i double past 20k ! back in it.
From there i get moved to a new table, where there are 2 crazy
old men. Standard crazy old men moves:
1. blinds 200-400 , open raise for 20k
2. 6k in the pot, bets 500 etc etc
I get hammered by one of the old men on my preflop raises, but
im winning a lot pots, and i just march all the way to 65k value
betting and slowplaying hands in all the right spots.
Then the hand that ruined my day in the last level has to come !
Blinds 400-800, 100 ante. Crazy old man limps cut off, solid
guy limps button i call sb with 8c-9c , BB (berry johntson, 1986
main event champ ) checks.
Flop Kc-10c-4c. (4200) in the pot) Flop is checked around,
planning to raise against crazy old guy. River Ad. A good
card for me, now someone can make Aces up or a str8t.
I lead out and bet 2800, Berry calls, crazy old man pushes
all in for +25K. Solid guy folds. I think about it a bit worried
about berry, but theres so many hands he can call with there,
and im 99% sure crazy old guy has aces up or str8t. I call
with flush. Then berry pushes all in. Now theres over
a 100k in the pot, and its 10k for me to call. Im very sure he
has the nut flush but i call hoping for a set, or may be a smaller
flush tho very unlikely. He shows the nuts, and my day
is ruined.
I hang in to the end of the day , with 20,700 chips. And
a lot of work to be done in day 2 .
exciting! & i don't even really get excited about poker.
hope day 2 goes/is going/went well :)
remember, Day 1 is the hardest~
go you little ripper!
oh, and i just noticed the t-shirt you're wearing :) hope that's the only pandamonium you're experiencing in the main event...
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