(a rare smile)
after cruelly busting out of the sunday million on stars, my hope lies with
the main event ...
Entering day2 with 21k , the starting table draw and early hands are going to be crucial.
Luckily I get hit by the deck, with a good range of raising hands, tho not getting
much action, but still good enuff to get to 35k within 30minutes, before my
unfortunately soft table is broken. The new table has a bunch of big stacks and I
get re-raised str8t away after raising with 99. Except he re-raises the minimum,
confident he has Aces, I call, getting the right price to hit a set and bust him. The
9 doesnt come on the flop, he bets I fold, and sure enuff he shows AA. I pick up KK, and someone limp re-raises me, and I go with it, he has AJ, i double up to about 40ish.
Then not so long after i have KK again and since everyone plays back at me, I double
up to 80ish. Which is average, and plently of chips.
After this nothing goes right and i strugggle to win any pots. I dribble down to 50k,
get moved to another table, try and keep the pots small go down to 20k get up to 50k.
And head to the dinner break in not great shape, but still not out of it.
Sitting around at 45k. I raised to 6k with KQ, and the i get 2 callers. Hmmm.
The Flop comes K-5s-7s, I bet 13 and i get the caller from the blind. The turn is
the 9s, and he just pushes all in. I have 21k, having put 1/2 my chips in there is 67k
and it costs me 21k to call 3 to 1. I also have the King of spades, and i have ruled out the
nut flush. I am still worred out about a smaller flush, tho with blinds 1 and 2k , it will
be difficult to come back. And i still might be ahead as he doesnt have AK or a set i
feel. I call , he turns over 4-6 spades, so i need another spade that doesnt come.
Perhaps i should have push all in on the flop, but he would have called anyway prolly,
tho this was the best way of winning the pot as if he misses the turn , i push , and
i can prolly win the pot. And he folds with one card to come.
Tho its not to be, as my head is spinning and i get up busted out of the main event,
knowing that perhaps it wasnt my day, still the standard of play was pretty bad, so I had
to hang in and maximise my opportunities. Disapointed I leave through the side door,
into the carpark that is the rio, in shock that i busted out ....
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