Yesterday was the 4th of July in Vegas and the US of A.
Which means fireworks and crazy celebrations ?! I heard
that the casinos let of fireworks from the tops of the buildings,
and its amazing . But that wasnt the case this year, as it
wasnt on for some reason. Anyway I learnt that Canada
day, which has no significance is on July 1st and is a poor
a cousin to July 4.
Rewind a few hours, afternoon, I was playing the stars tourney
($320 Wednesday) got off to a decent start, someone told
me how terrible I was, which is always encouraging, seriously
I like people to tell me how bad I play online from time to time,
it means Im gambling somewhat. Then i realise im suppose to
meet some people earlier than anticipated and need someone to
take over. I sms frage, magically like a genie he appears on msn
and willingly obliges. Its lunch time over there, he says hes
hungry, so i call up beyond India (restaurant in adelaide that delivers)
Find out they dont deliver unless u order $60 at lunchtime, oh well
what the heck order some food attempt to pay for it. Then i speak
to him on msn, and he says hes not at home. Fk it ! Tho luckily
he turns out he was joking. So hopefully he enjoyed it, i followed
his progress a bit, tho he busted out 3/4 in. I think i would make a good
boss , look after the employees, may be...
HEad out to dinner at Pho So 1, a vietnamenese place , in what seems
to be little vietnam in vegas, we are the only non vietnames eating here,
which is a good sign. Pho , chilli chicken, vietnamese beer etc etc. All
good stuff, and super cheap.
As we are leaving we see fireworks (small ones) being shot up in the
distance, hey that would be cool if we got fireworks and set it off in
the rio carpark ? Turns out there is a small fireworks store just
up ahead. Like a kid in a candy store, years of repressed pyrotechnic
urges overflow, and I ask them for "The Big Bang : Maximum Charge"
A massive box of fireworks worth $500, (illegal in seventeen states,
perhaps) Unfortunately they dont stock it, but we get a few other
boxes of fireworks. Head back to the rio, our voice of reason explains
that perhaps setting them off in the rio would be a bit ridiculous,
so we drive to this empty lot in vegas, one of many. Are we walking
over buried bodies in the ground may be.
Open the box, discover that there are no rockets which is disapointing,
but still enuff strange flashing lights , bruning fizzing objects, that
you can throw in the air to have some fun. Lightly burn my hands
a little, and wend up throwing up a whole bunch of fireworks together
and set them off, which results in a series of bright flashing light,
loud sounds, and a small fire. The only residential place within
seeing distance at least hasnt called the police. a few coronas
and a couple of boxes of fireworks later, we search for rockets
to shoot up in the air. The country redneck fireworks guy refuses
to sell us any and says they are banned in this state, but u can
got to these other places, which wont be open at midnight, and
our 45minutes away in an indian reservation. Damn.
Head back to rio, go with a friend to the Wynn , damn the wynn
is nice. Its all new and done up. Get up some more beers,
head out to some poker party at a strip club, hosted by K&J jett.
Whom we saw earlier in the night whilst buying fireworks. Anyway
we get there, and our friend tells us some rapper pacman, was involved
in some shooting earlier this year here. Which is understanable coz
it feels pretty deserted. Well this place is pretty pretty bad, in that
no one is really here. The 4 of us almsot double the non-stripper crowd.
I guess they have no friends, or they already left, or there was
another shooting. At least the first round of drinks is free and its
free to get in. The first stripper uses the pole more to lean on to
support herself instead of dancing. Pole leaning, may be thats the
new craze in the US. Tho the next girl is ridiculous amazing at pole
dancing, and im not easily impressed. I dont know what the
terms for the moves are but, apache helicopter descending at high
speed could have been one of them.
In the corner the husband of the couple that organised the party
is getting a lap dance whilst the wife is sitting right next to the stage,
putting $1 bills into the stripper, that was unexpected. But why
organise a party there if your not going to be into it, tho next time
invite some friends. Steve Z famous poker player and bookie, had
a party the night b4 with a 1000 ppl , why didnt we go to that...
By the end of the night, we are the only ones there, and as a result
the strippers descend on us like seagulls, and its not even the "good"
strippers as they have left. In fact my friend has to pay $5 for a stripper
to get off his leg, as the pressure from her weight is like a tourniquet
cutting off circulation. At least they have wheelie chairs which you
can spin around and scoot around the floors . But by the end enuff
is enuff. Tho one of the black strippers knew where adelaide was,
I was very impressed, no one knows where adelaide was. But then
this was the converstation the same stripper had with my french
friend during a lap dance.
S: So where are you from ?
B: France
S: oh thats nice, thats part of the UK isnt it
B: No its France
S: Oh france , but its still the UK
B: No we are seperated by water, we are seperate
countries, and we actually hate each other
S: Ah, yeh I was never that good at maths
B: You mean georgraphy ?
S: yeh thats right.
COmedy Gold !
Then one of the guys who was there, left
and came back 20mins later saying he was mugged by
some drug guy using a box cutter (retractable razor) but gave
him his decoy wallet (which he always carries). Then a stripper
said oh your friend is here, he was in the private room for the
last 20minutes. What a douchebag.
Head back to wynn for another drink, back to ballys. Ed crashes
over , he has lots of famous ppl on his phone , especially poker ppl.
Non poker ppl include tobey macquire and corey feldman , but
poker ppl include hellmuth , chan etc etc. Ring up hellmuth, but
they all go to voice message, he has a very ghey message, which
goes on for about 2 minutes about how he is playing in the wsop.
Ring up Jonny, his is very short , leave a message
"Did you have it, Johnny ?"
Which at 5am after a few drinks seems funny, fall asleep, non-poker
days seem more fun :)